sábado, 21 de julho de 2007


The precision of your eyes is something that is more difficult to workout than the one of your feet.

Once again I appeal to the training, the force, the control, the vision... I look at a wall, there it is, ready to receive my feet, the hesitation is here, I am apprehensive because the distances is of 10 feet, my maximum for the time being. I jump and accurately embank on the other side. After the lesion due to lack of training, I started again: push ups, 6, 7 or 8-step precisions became part of my routine; I have trained not only the knees but also the whole coordination of my body. The fear lingers, I know that I can do it but my eyes send images of a larger distance than the real one, making it more difficult to train them. The habit and the repetition turn the mind stronger. The insanity of some is the lack of training, you can jump, you can make it, but do you really dominate it??

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