sábado, 21 de julho de 2007


The precision of your eyes is something that is more difficult to workout than the one of your feet.

Once again I appeal to the training, the force, the control, the vision... I look at a wall, there it is, ready to receive my feet, the hesitation is here, I am apprehensive because the distances is of 10 feet, my maximum for the time being. I jump and accurately embank on the other side. After the lesion due to lack of training, I started again: push ups, 6, 7 or 8-step precisions became part of my routine; I have trained not only the knees but also the whole coordination of my body. The fear lingers, I know that I can do it but my eyes send images of a larger distance than the real one, making it more difficult to train them. The habit and the repetition turn the mind stronger. The insanity of some is the lack of training, you can jump, you can make it, but do you really dominate it??

My trip to Lisses(Paris)

This is a video recorded on 17th and 18th April 2007, in Lisses (Paris) during a recognition trip to the place designated “meca of the parkour." This video is also a souvenir of my first training after a lesion that lasted 4 months. I hope to have the opportunity to return soon, because I left a lot undone. A very technical place where not even my 2 years of training were enough to let me "explore" that "urban jungle."

My view

I walk in the street, with open eyes, I see everything and anything escapes me, I look around, I see walls, obstacles, what am I supposed to do? My training and experience shall tell me. Each stone counts, I don't let myself falter for something larger than me. Can I do it? Not yet, but I shall, I will workout, my body doesn't tolerate it but my mind is open, I will try again and again, today I might not be able to but within one, two, three months training, I shall return there. I haven’t yet made it, I am frustrated but no dead nor tired, my body developed, I got it... months passed, hours or even minutes have passed, I am strong, I have in mind what I want to do and again I can make it, in a fast, effective and flowing way? Maybe not, maybe next time....

This is what Parkour is all about, the body counts, but the mind is stronger. "You can do it!" I hear a voice, coming from my head, I believe in it and jump, once again it didn't let me down and once again I made it.

I am approached, someone wants what I call "my parkour", will I give in? Will I sell it? Yes, I have already given in, I have already sold... was I right?? I don't think so, once again I have failed, once again I have lost, but just as in Parkour, I am happy for not failing again. Commercialization? I bet in something more consistent, even if I sell myself, I won't change anything, my image will always be sold as the good parkour, something that I is still intangible for me to do (good parkour)... Sell if it is well sold, workout to develop, run not to flee but to surpass. Each problem, each obstacle will never be outlined; I will have to fall too many times, but never twice for the same reason.

"Herrar é umano", I try to break one more rule, yet I don’t succeed, I learn using my experience, I hope never to fail again, not in the same spot...

Work out, run, learn, teaches, learn how to teach, someone needs you, be stronger. No, never train the body neglecting the mind, bound the body to the mind, bound them firmly, because as someone once said: "United we stand, divided we fall!"